Equine Monthly Maintenance Package


Each month, veterinary care, preventive medicine, grain, hay, and expendables like horseshoes, add up to approximately $500 per horse. If you would like to “adopt” a Charlie Mike horse for a month, this is the perfect package. Your donation will help cover all expenses related to their monthly care and maintenance, which includes everything listed within this package. We and our horses thank you!

How many monthly packages can you donate to help support our mission?

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The Charlie Mike Equine program was designed to teach veterans horsemanship and riding skills that translate into new emotional tools and healing. Our horses require regular veterinary care, medicine, grain, hay, (horses eat a lot!), farrier work, and all the tack (gear) necessary to run a successful riding program. We provide our horses with high quality grain, good hay, and a high standard of care.

Each month, veterinary care, preventive medicine, grain, hay, and expendables like horseshoes, add up to approximately $500 per horse. If you would like to “adopt” a Charlie Mike horse for a month, this is the perfect package. Your donation will help cover all expenses related to their monthly care and maintenance, which includes everything listed within this package. We and our horses thank you!

Items Quantity Price Total
Veterinary Care

Preventive Medicine






1 $500 $500


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